The London Olympics will officially begin today for an unprecedented third time in the capital of Great Britain, or as so many label it the cultural capitol of the world. Whether you are a sports fan or not, the Olympics offers an opportunity to see the world (205 countries are participating and for the first time, each country has women and men participants) come together in peace for the common goal of sportsmanlike competition and athletes excelling to attain one's full potential in athleticism combined with mental strength.
Last weekend I was watching Oprah's interview with ten iconic American Olympians, and Bart Conner made an observation about the Olympics that I want to share today. He stated that the Olympics were the great leveling field of life and to explain what he meant, this is what he said, "There's only one way to the top of the podium and that's hard work, focus and determination."
While not all of us will have the privilege of being an Olympian, we all can find the inspiration that the Olympics provides and use it to motivate ourselves to continue to be focused, determined and willing to work hard for what we want our life to become. Money cannot create fulfillment if we don't appreciate the effort it took to create it. Good looks may garner attention but not always respect if we don't behave in a respectable manner and continue to challenge our intellect.
We may not always live up to the expectations we set for ourselves on the first or second attempt, but we can always choose to learn and try better next time. We are never truly defeated unless we throw in the towel. If you choose to watch the Olympics, the medalist who stand on top of the podiums certainly do deserve the applause, but also look for those stories of athletes who earned the title of Olympian and simply chose to do their best no matter what the results ended up being. Those are people to be inspired by as well.
On the blog this week, I took a hard look at the simple, endless ways we can make our every day lives even more simply luxurious. In Monday's Inspirational post - Savor Everyday Routines
, the comments and sentiments that were shared continued to remind me that no matter where or how you live, each one of us has opportunities throughout our day-to-day lives to create wonderful moments to treasure. Along the same lines, in a world where consumerism is applauded, a simple and controllable way to maintain our sanity and increase our fulfillment and peace of mind is to stay out of credit card debt. The rewards of not spending aren't something that are projected in the media. In fact, quite the opposite, so it is important to understand that a tremendous luxury in life is to know your finances are in order and you know how to remain disciplined each and every month.
Believe it or not, July's last weekend is upon us and August will soon begin. Summer will begin its last full month, and it is my hope that it finds you able to acquire a balance in your life that involves productivity, yet restoration, love and passion, yet discipline and optimism fueled by hope, yet common sense. Life, by definition, is forever moving forward asking us to keep up, and while this can sometimes seem exhausting, it is the opportunities that await, the growth we desire and more moments to spend with those we love that should excite us about each step we take forward. Let us not balk in fear due to the uncertainty, for that is when regrets pile up.
Have a beautiful weekend, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog.