The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter 103

Published: Fri, 06/01/12

One of the most frustrating parts about deciding to let yourself be vulnerable whether it be in your career, love or with friends is when, knowing that you've mustered up all of the gumption, strength and courage, you find, for whatever reason, it doesn't work out.
At that particular moment, you may feel like a fool. You may feel embarrassed, you may even begin to believe that being vulnerable is a bad idea. But . . .  I want to implore you today to continue to be open to what life has to offer.  Continue to be a little vulnerable in life, in love, in where the path of your journey may take you. I beg of you, don't shut down. Keep searching for the answers . . . no matter how frustrating because even though it seems all that you have is a list of endless questions, the answers will eventually present themselves . . . if you keep searching for them.
There is a wisdom of truth in the quote below. In those moments of grandiose doubt, keep putting one foot in front of another. Keep seeking, and trust me, you will eventually be pleased with where you are going and where you end up.

With that said, here is a post from the archives that speaks to the perseverance and idea of never giving up. While sometimes it may not work out as we planned, eventually it will work out - and maybe, even better than we expected.
This week, you may have noticed we have a sponsor for our newsletter. I know some readers may feel this is unnecessary, but as my writing and blogging has become my second full-time job and given me the opportunity to dive into my passion each and every day, I am comfortable accepting sponsors as long as they adhere to the premise of The Simply Luxurious Life. Heather Pranitis is the owner and talent behind the lovely and original stationery she sells at Blondie's Shop, and I am thrilled to support a woman who is striking out on her own and doing what she loves.
With that said, choosing to take a risk, choosing to be courageous, is not easy, but in doing so we choose to bet on ourselves, that the life we desire may just happen if we have the courage to believe we can make it happen. In Monday's motivational post, learn about eight ways you too can be more courageous.
Here in the states, it was a short work week for many of you, and regardless of where you live or what you do, I hope it was a lovely end to the month of May and a gracious welcome to the month of June. Whether you are attending graduations, escaping to the country or the beach for the weekend or simply letting your hair down, I hope you have a wonderful time. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.  


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