The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter 98

Published: Fri, 04/27/12

If there was ever a season that caused me to become twitterpated, it would be spring. With the lush green grass that doesn't beg to be watered, magenta, blush and white blossoms that flirt with the passersby and showers that sing me to sleep and often wake me in the morning, I find myself wishing that spring occurred throughout all twelve months of the year.
As much as I dream that this magical scene could continue to present itself each day, I am aware that it may not be as relished if it occurred constantly.  Just as when wonderful, exuberant moments and good news we've been hoping and wishing for finally arrive, it is because we've had to wait for it that makes it much sweeter and far more appreciated.
The waiting process is not easy, but it does allow each of us time to make the most of the moments in between, to not squander these opportunities and to use such time to help create whatever it is we are hoping for, fine tuning, learning and applying the new knowledge we receive.
The good news is that every day there is something to learn - about ourselves, about life, and about others. So as a way to encourage us all to always choose to learn the lesson when it seems those not so wonderful days are occurring far too often, here is a post from the archives:
This week Monday's post quickly became the readers' favorite. Based on the comments and emails I received, it became evident that with all of the images, people and choices that are bombarding our lives, it takes great discipline to not get sucked into the jealousy trap. However, when you master this emotion, your life will become much more serene, as you will begin to only focus and stress about things that are truly significant and meaningful in your life. Click here to read How to Turn Jealousy into a Positive.
With some decor ideas inspired by my love for anything French, unique ways to add classic, yet whimsy touches to your wardrobe, as well as ways to become your own decorator as you go about creating your unique sanctuary, the past week on the blog has had a bit of everything.
Already the last weekend in April is upon us, and savoring spring is something that is probably on nearly everyone's list (fall for my Aussie readers!). I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Perhaps a sip or two of wine, a taste of something decadent and of course, a few moments to let loose and just be. Whatever you crave, have a lovely time. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.  


Articles from Around the Web to Inspire, Motivate and Enjoy
This & That: No. 2
A Stylish Idea

    April 27, 2012                Issue #98

    "Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day."
    ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
    Readers' Favorite Post
    How to Turn Jealousy Into a Positive

    Weekly Themes

    Monday Inspiration:

    Wednesday's Why Not . . . ?:
    Thursday's Style Inspiration:
    Extra Posts
    A Touch of France - Houzz Ideabook

    JENESQUA Mid-Week Motivation: 5 Minute Fixes for a Tranquil Home
    A Peek at My Tumblr
    A Glimpse at my Pinterest Boards

    Shannon's Pick of the Week
    I am in love with my navy pair of cropped pants. Paired with heels and a silk blouse or American Apparel t-shirt, the perfect item for spring and summer.