The power of finding time to unwind is something that does so much good for our psyche, relationships, mood and creative process.
While knowing this life-truth and practicing it can sometimes be two different things, if we each make a regular appointment with ourselves to say no to obligations, refuse to multi-task when we take this time for ourselves and respect ourselves enough to realize it is okay to put ourselves first for an hour, an afternoon or even a weekend on a regular basis, I believe we would all be amazed at the improvement our overall lives would undergo.
Not only would we, as individuals, feel better, but we would also be in a better frame of mind when spending time with those we love and those we work with. And for anyone who works in a creative field or is trying to come up with unique ideas for decor, outfits, a child's birthday party, or sweet nothings for their partner, having the ability to think creativity will soar when we take time to just relax and unwind on a regular basis.
Sounds absurd initially, but by letting our minds temper their speed and come to a neutral place of no stress and silenced stimulation, our minds begin to restore themselves, much like our bodies restore themselves during sleep.
I wanted to include the following post from the archives because I feel it fits well with this notion of taking time to ourselves. Sometimes it is hard for people to be comfortable with their own company, but speaking as someone who while introverted had to transition into becoming comfortable with myself when no one else was around, I've discovered it's the best gift we can give ourselves that only asks of each of us the necessity of time. Time to put ourselves first, time to respect who we uniquely are and time to be with our thoughts, hopes and dreams without interference or persuasion from the outside.
Many of you will be happy to hear that I have heard your request to bring the weekly Cups of Tea post back. What I've decided to do is post regularly on Tuesday a post I have titled This & That. This & That will be where I share favorite blog posts from fellow bloggers, shopping finds I can't wait to share, recipes that appear too scrumptious not to make immediately and other lovely discoveries I come across throughout the week that I want to share with you. Below you will find the inaugural post of This & That: No. 1. I do hope you enjoy, and if you have any suggestions for items or writers I should check out, please let me know.
A common comment from many of you who subscribe to The Simply Luxurious Life weekly newsletter is that you enjoy reading it as you sip your favorite cup of tea or coffee whether it be Friday, Saturday or Sunday morning. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to hear that reading the newsletter has become a simple luxury in your lives. So I must confess. When I sit down to put together each week's newsletter, it has become a ritual that I too greatly look forward to each week.
On Thursday, with ideas in tow, I make a special trip each week to my favorite French patisserie, order myself a tea or mocha and inhabit a table for a handful of hours. The length of time is of no importance as it has become part of my weekly routine and hearing that you enjoy what is created each week means the world. I want to thank you so very much for your time, subscription and continual support.
The exciting news I spoke of nearly a monthly ago is still rolling in the right direction and as soon as I can tell you more, I will. I absolutely cannot wait.
Until then, April is nearly here. Where did March go? And if you are living in a similar climate, the grass is getting greener, trees are beginning to blossom and spring truly seems to be in the air. I don't know about you, but I absolutely love this time of year, and one of this week's posts deals with just exactly how to welcome and prep for spring. Have a look here.
Before I forget, the winner of the $100 gift certificate at Shopbop is . . . Tiara Gentry. Congratulations Tiara, and thank you for everyone who entered. It is my hope to have similar giveaways in the future, and as I mentioned before, those of you who are subscribers to the newsletter will always receive a heads up before anything is announced on the blog.
Have a wonderful weekend, be sure to carve out some time to unwind, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog.