The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter 87

Published: Fri, 02/10/12

Dreams can come true, they honestly can.  And the key is knowing what you want and then being willing to put the hard work in until you arrive at your goal.
The hard part is knowing what to do when they arrive at your desired goal and it waiting just in front of you to take in and savor. Once you grasp it your life will take on a new feel, pace and outlook.  And it may even feel uncomfortable like a new shoe, but if it really is what you were hoping for, have faith that after a few strolls around the block you will feel right at home in your new surreal world.
It may force you to eliminate things you once thought were important.  It may force you to realize that you don't need what you once thought you needed to live a full life.  And it may force you grow into a better person than you thought you could be.  I beg of you, seize this opportunity.
Currently, I find myself in such a situation where I am leaving one world where I was dreaming and into another that is seeing my dreams evolve into something real, and I'm having to adjust my life because while it is extremely busy, it is busy in the most wonderful way possible.
I haven't mastered my new schedule yet, but I'm getting there, and I refuse to quit trying.  After all, there are too many wonderful gifts to be enjoyed and treasures to be cherished, and I've worked (and am still working) hard to arrive at this point in my life.  
Always keep that in mind - all of the hard work, days, months and years that you've invested and refuse to let it slip through your fingers with one unappreciative wave of the hand.  Trust me, you'll kick yourself later when you realize that not everyone gets a chance to turn their dreams into reality because not everyone is willing to put forth the necessary effort. You are, you have and you deserve to make this new life work for you. Savor it, revel in it and never take it for granted. 
In this week's newsletter, the official announcement of The Simply Luxurious Life's Facebook page was made, but first I want to thank so many of my newsletter subscribers for being the first to stop by last weekend and "like" TSLL. I appreciate your support and want to let you know that whenever it is possible, you will always be the first to know when new changes or additions or big news is made regarding the blog. Thank you very much for your subscription.
With New York Fashion Week underway, Tiffani Rogers shares her advice on how each one of us can glean knowledge and insight for our own wardrobes from the runways that will be revealing the new collections for fall. Click here to read.
A simple luxury that I recently was pampered to is something that I was treated to at the Swink Style Bar in Seattle.  Click here to learn more about my experience and why I believe every woman should hop back on the blow-out routine bandwagon.
I do hope your week treated you well, and with Valentine's Day around the corner, I hope that no matter who you are with or whether you are your own best company that you are treated well and reminded that you are very special. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.  Thank you again for subscribing to The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter.

Articles from Around the Web to Inspire, Motivate and Enjoy
A Stylish Idea

February 10, 2012           Issue #87
"The main cause of failure is the inability to deal with self-doubt."
-Bill Bartmann
Readers' Favorite Post
How to Create the Change You Want to See

Weekly Themes

Monday Inspiration:

Wednesday's Why Not . . . ?:
(Will Return Next Week)
Thursday's Style Inspiration:
Extra Posts
How to Incorporate Runway Looks into Your Wardrobe
Swink Style Bar - A Simple Luxury
Facebook & The Simple Luxurious Life
A Peek at My Tumblr

Shannon's Pick of the Week

High Octane Women: How Superachievers Can Avoid Burnout