Spring is quickly or slowly sneaking up on us (depending upon where you live), and I don't know about you, but I love the idea of spring cleaning. Am I crazy? Maybe just a tad, but there is something so invigorating about cleaning it all out, reorganizing and focusing on what resides within my house and my life that is most important, helps me function a bit better and helps me live a more productive and happy life.
Over the past two months I've been re-doing my office and finally everything - the desk, decor and organizers have arrived. So what am I most looking forward to this weekend? You guessed it . . . diving into organizing and setting it all up. A dream activity for me. The inspiration board is getting an overhaul, the magazines are being realigned and loose paperwork will finally be put in its rightful place.
It's amazing to me how much more I can accomplish when my space is clean and everything that I need has a place and everything that is taking up space is removed. And with the states losing an hour this weekend (don't forget to spring ahead before going to bed Saturday night), it is ever more important to use our time wisely this weekend as we will have one less hour to accomplish all that is on our to-do list.
Whatever your spring cleaning may look like, find pleasure is knowing you are helping to create a more livable and enjoyable life by removing the unnecessary so you might focus on what is most important to you. If spring cleaning has you stationed inside, turn on music that moves your feet or keeps you jazzed, and if you are outside, choose a day when the sun is bright, have the pets and children close by so that you can derive even more energy for the activities that lay ahead of you. I don't know about you, but when I see my dogs reveling in the sunshine or notice my neighbors have also chosen the same day to work outside, I get motivated to take part in the beautiful day and be more productive.
As a way to inspire you to dive into spring cleaning, take a look at my three part series for organizing your home and life:
This week, Foodie Friday finally returned, however, it landed on a Tuesday. Regardless, it is back, and while I have been cooking these past few months while this once regular post was on hiatus, I haven't been diligent about having my camera ready. Needless to say, I will be doing by best to share any delicious concoctions I discover in the kitchen, and I have a feeling many of them may be coming from the new cookbook I just discovered.
Another post that captured a lot of attention, and I want to thank my readers profusely for taking the time to comment and email me, was one titled Looking for Reader Input. I am always looking for ways to bring a better blog, newsletter, and writings full of ideas and inspiration your way, so in the next week or so I will be revamping the blog. Please do email me (info@thesimplyluxuriouslife.com) to share any suggestions, ideas or feedback of any kind that you feel would improve your reading experience when stopping by The Simply Luxurious Life. I am all ears and have been diligently taking notes.
Also, if you are a fashion lover and have an iPad, the new March issue of JENESEQUA just came out, and it continues to get better. With more than 30 articles on how to get ready for spring, I have a feeling you will find many articles that will leave you feeling inspired.
I do hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the spring weather that is coming our way. I will be doing my best to soak up some sun, become a be more organized and take a deep breath or two. I hope you will be enjoying yourself as well. Thank you so much for subscribing to The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog.