I'm curious to know how you spent your extra day this past week. Every four years we each receive this gift - one whole day that we don't have the opportunity to revel in. You know when you think about it, an extra day is quite a gift. One more day to kiss those you love, get a good nights' sleep, savor a cup of scrumptious hot tea, make a few extra dollars if you're an entrepreneur or enjoy whatever pastime you most look forward to getting lost in. While it was in the middle of the week, I hope you were able to make the most of it.
This past weekend, I spent the weekend getting away from it all - technology, the hustle and bustle of the town I live in and literally staying away from driving in the car. It was the most rejuvenating experience as the accommodations we reserved over the weekend provided luxurious sleeping arrangements, a restaurant, restorative activities and an expansive estate - oh, and no television. There was something very grounding about sitting down to read without distraction and losing track of time.
As much as I long to do this at home, it is difficult because it seems I can always find something I need or want to do around the house. Needless, to say, this experience taught me that such escapes are necessary on a regular basis to serve as a reminder that I really can step away for a period of time and everything will be okay. In fact, it makes me appreciate all that is going well in my life and how fortunate I am. So . . . when will your next retreat from technology be? Won't you please consider it?
In this week's newsletter, the readers' favorite post was one that I shared on my birthday, and I want to thank all of the readers who stopped by, left comments or simply took the time to read my 33 Lessons. Granted, they are what I've learned so far, and I am aware that many more await me, but it was fun to share and I appreciate your time and thoughtfulness immensely.
The Oscars were this past weekend, and while it wasn't a very exciting or breathtaking red carpet, there were a few that I felt were quite stunning. Have a look here.
Well, the weekend is upon us. And it is always a good thing to see finally arrive. I hope this newsletter finds you well and until next week, I'll see you on the blog.