The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter 89

Published: Fri, 02/24/12

Have you ever planned to do nothing?  I mean, blocked out an afternoon, evening, maybe even a day and just said no to any invitations? It's much simpler than it sounds, but with our busy lives, looking out for ourselves in this way is a very kind and necessary thing to do.  While it can seem hard to politely decline invitations when in reality, nothing but your need to chill at home is calling. But trust me, when you need to rest, you need to rest.
Lately, I have been fortunate to have generous opportunities to socialize, but it is when I don't take a breath, when I don't take a day to myself to get back into my groove, that I realize my balance is out of whack, and I must schedule a date with myself.
Whether I choose to just relax, catch up on all of the magazines and articles I've been wanting to read, finally finish a book I tend to read at night but haven't been able to get terribly far because I'm so exhausted, watch cooking shows or dive into organizing something (because really it does feel amazing when it is all done), these days to do as we please are truly a treasure and most definitely not something to feel guilty about. 
Taking this time is helping us to be our best selves when we are with the ones we love and making the most of such moments is, I have a feeling, quite high on most of our priority lists.  This weekend, assess whether or not you need some "me time" and if you do, schedule in pen a few hours to just do as you please. I promise, you'll be glad you did and so will those who enjoy spending time with you.
Since you are considering carving some time out for yourself, why not make sure your home is the ultimate sanctuary that beckons you to spend time at your leisure simply doing as you please . . . here are some tips on how to create your very own sanctuary:

This week's newsletter contains one of the most hotly discussed topics that has ever appeared on The Simply Luxurious Life, and I must say it was very refreshing and intriguing to learn how you, my readers, felt about being a woman in our modern day world.  Be sure to read Why Not . . . Revel in Being a Woman? where I share 19 reasons I feel we all should appreciate and not take for granted this wonderful gift.
London Fashion Week just finished, but not without revealing a beautiful new collection from Burberry. Click here to take a look at a unique revision of the pencil skirt that I think might be kind of fun to incorporate into next fall's wardrobe.
And, I don't know about you, but I'm always in search of a well-written piece of fiction that keeps me engaged and challenges my mind a bit.  Cristina Alger's debut novel The Darlings certainly fits this criteria, and if you have any curiosity about the behind the scenes of the financial melt-down in New York in 2008, you will most definitely enjoy her intriguing story.
With this being the last weekend of February, I am amazed at how the month as flown by, but knowing that spring is just around the corner and the days are beginning to get more light, I don't seem to mind.
Here's to a lovely weekend full of exactly what you need. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.  

Articles from Around the Web to Inspire, Motivate and Enjoy
A Stylish Idea


    February 24, 2012                Issue #89
    "Whenever you are
    sincerely pleased, you are nourished."
                                                                          - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Readers' Favorite Post
    Why Not . . . Revel in Being a Woman?

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    Wednesday's Why Not . . . ?:
    Thursday's Style Inspiration:
    Extra Posts
    Docica - February 2012 Issue

    Jennifer Aniston - InStyle US - March 2012
    The Darlings & High Octane Women
    Fall 2012 RTW -London

    A Peek at My Tumblr

    A Glimpse at my Pinterest Boards

    Shannon's Pick of the Week

    Craving all of the pencils skirts from J.Crew. I think I can justify it and call it a need . . . can't I?
    View them all here.