As a child when our bodies are growing into who and what they are destined to be, there are moments and sometimes weeks and months when we are physically in pain - braces as we gradually close that gaping gap between our two front teeth, shin splints as our bodies shoot ever skyward, acne as we go through puberty, and so on and so on.
Each one of us most likely has memories of the struggles we endured during our youth, but upon reflection we must now recognize that it was because we were growing into what we were destined to be that we had to struggle, strain and be in physical pain at times.
No it isn't fun or particularly enjoyable to watch if you are the parent or a loved one who has to witness the struggle your child is going through, but as a parent you also know that there are better, much better, days ahead.
With all of that said, in adulthood we fortunately don't deal with physical growing pains as much (unless we are training for physically demanding events, welcoming a child into the world or going through therapy for any number of reasons), but we still have growing pains to persevere through if we wish to improve our lives, our relationships and our future.
The growing pains may come in the form of an uncomfortable, but necessary heart-to-heart with your significant other or child, or possibly a meeting with your boss when you request an overdue pay raise. Whatever the situation, trust that if you handle it properly, with maturity and faith in yourself, that you (and if you are working with someone else) will come out ahead on the other side in time. The benefits may not show themselves immediately, so have patience, but trust that your ability to not revert back to old habits that have not served you well and instead decide to alter your behavior and thoughts will reap wonderful results.
Perhaps, just perhaps, you are actually only one small change away from the wonderful life that awaits . . .
This week's newsletter resulted in revealing more than I usually do about myself, and I must say I was a bit nervous (okay, more than a bit) about sharing certain details about my life and who I am. However, after reading the many comments that my readers left on the two most well-received posts in quite some time (Learn to Leap and Why Not . . . Enjoy Being An Introvert?) I want to thank you for your being exactly who you continue to show yourselves to be. I know I am bias, but I have the most lovely readers, and I am beyond thankful for the time and kindness you share, not just with me, but with others in the words and experiences you share with their comments and emails.
I want to also extend my thanks for the feedback on the new lay-out of the newsletter last week. I read everything you sent me and appreciate the ideas, raves, and suggestions you shared. Do know that I am taking them to heart.
With all of that being said, I am realizing more and more that I need to be more accommodating to my readers which has prompted me to officially create The Simply Luxurious Life Facebook page. Next week I will officially announce this new addition to the blog, but I wanted my subscribers to the newsletter to be the first to know. So many of you communicate and stay in touch on Facebook, and I want to make it easier to share any of the content you find here in a way that is in tune with how you use social media. Click here
to be directed to The Simply Luxurious Life Facebook page which will be updated with the latest posts on a daily basis.
I do hope the weekend treats you well, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog. Thank you again for subscribing to The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter.