The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #85

Published: Fri, 01/27/12

Welcome to the weekend! I hope this newsletter finds you well. You may have noticed that the newsletter has been fine tuned a bit in hopes of making it easier to read and making better use of space. Recently, organizing and increasing productivity has been on my mind, so I thought why not take a look at the newsletter.
I do hope you enjoy it and am also quite curious to know which sections you most enjoy reading, which you don't find yourself looking at and ideas for any other additions as I want to continue to create a newsletter that is inspiring as the work week winds down, aesthetically pleasing to the eye and simply enjoyable to read as you look ahead to your weekend. Feel free to email me with any suggestions or preferences (
With January slowly winding down and the new year seeming to be in full swing, I am finding my groove.  How about you? Are you making those new schedules work? Are you making the most of the time you have in your home while the weather herds us back into our homes? Are you realizing that life, your life, is completely in your hands to design as long as you have the courage to mold it and flow with what life gives you? I do hope so. 
This past week has provided a handful of moments where I found myself stepping back and wondering what I did to be so blessed? What did I do to have such loving, thoughtful and generous people in my life? And then, after allowing myself time to be grateful, I reminded myself to pay it forward. However, each of us chooses to exercise this practice of cultivating more generosity and goodness of spirit, it will never be wrong.  The best gifts are those that are unexpected, so why not give someone a compliment and truly mean it? Why not send a card to tell someone you've been thinking about them and hope they are doing well? Why not go out of your way to do something for someone who needs a hand, but simply won't ask for it? Why not say thank you for a service or job well done? Why not listen intently?
Our lives offer so much distraction that it is quite easy to forget how wonderful our lives are.  Take the time today and this weekend to count your blessings, stop wanting so much and realize how much you already have. I have a feeling you'll be overwhelmed by how truly rich you are.
This past week on the blog was full of beautiful couture collections from Paris, the announcement of a new decor venture I have begun and emails from my readers full of ideas and suggestions and tips on how to make Monday a not so dreaded day.
First of all, I want to thank all of the readers who emailed me with ideas for my new regular contributing job for I am keeping track of them and looking over them as I plan next month's decor Idea Book.  Thank you so much for taking the time and for sharing your thoughts.
And secondly, this week's Wednesday's Why Not . . . Fly in Style & Comfort? may seem like an oxymoron.  How can one possibly be stylish and be comfortable at the same time? And while I must admit, flying in pajamas would be quite ideal for comfort, socially, I wouldn't be comfortable whatsoever. So the idea of comfort is one that is not only physical, but psychologically as well. I genuinely believe we must dress in such a way that demands we be treated with respect. It doesn't have to be aggressive or harsh, but we must present ourselves in a manner that states to the world (without us having to say a word) that we respect ourselves and we have an expectations to be treated with decency. We can determine others' behavior toward us so much more than we realize. So why not begin with having some fun dressing up?
As you begin your weekend, I wish you a wonderful few days of pleasure, leisure and moments of getting lost in passionate pursuits. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.  Thank you again for subscribing to The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter.

Articles from Around the Web to Inspire, Motivate and Enjoy

A Stylish Idea

January 27, 2012                      Issue #85
"Sail beyond the horizon; fly higher than you ever thought possible; magnify your existence by helping others; be kind to people and animals of all shapes and sizes; be true to what you value most; shine your light on the world; and be the person you were born to be."
-Blake Beattie

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Christian Dior Spring Couture 2012

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Wednesday's Why Not . . . ?:
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Karl sina sequined pencil skirt - $310