The Simply Luxurious Life's Newsletter 31

Published: Fri, 01/14/11


"Don't say you don't have enough time.  You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." 
~Life's Little Instruction Book, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
No. 31                                  Friday, January 14, 2011  


aby steps. One simple step at a time. As I take a moment to look back on the past year, I have become acutely aware that it is in the constant repetition of a small action that produces the greatest results: choosing to eat slightly smaller portions (nothing drastic), doing my best to address people (even if I've only met them once) by their first name, adding to a savings account (even if it's only $10/month), attending yoga classes (even if it's only twice a week), sitting down to write every day (even if only for thirty minutes).
Within all of the small steps each one of us takes during our regular schedules, we have the opportunity to create permanent positive change in our lives. No matter where you are with your resolutions that you may or may not have set for yourself this year, let up a bit and allow yourself to just take baby steps.  Because as long as you do them repeatedly, the result will occur if you remain patient.
So often I see the world we live in and wonder if the appreciation of anticipation is still as strong presently due to the mass amount of technology in our lives that allows us to have immediate results.  While I love what technology can do (for example, I am able to communicate with you today no matter where you may live in this world with simply the click of my mouse), I believe there needs to be a balance between the "need to have it now" and the "I want it now, but I'll wait" because I believe in the waiting we create a stronger work ethic and reveal a our true ability to be loyal to something we are determined to achieve. 
For example, if we were able to have at our fingertips at this very moment everything we wanted, would we really appreciate it?  I have a hard time believing that we would.  I find that it is in the journey of working towards something with those minuscule steps each day that we build a true sense of appreciation for what we will soon achieve, and therefore, won't toss aside aimlessly.  This mindset also ties into relationships.  In order to create a strong relationship or friendship, it takes time to create the bond of trust, confidence and respect. By taking the time and allowing the person to reveal their true selves to us and us to them, we are less likely to bail when a hardship hits or something better catches our eye. Something to keep in mind when sitting down to determine what we really want in our lives.
In this week's newsletter, I am very excited to introduce to you a blogger who many of you may already know. The title of her blog alone caught my eye, and I have a feeling you will be impressed with her prose, her keen eye for beautiful style and what she has to share regarding her thoughts on luxury.  I know I found myself nodding in agreement as I read it. Thursday's Rules of Style , which focused on J.Crew's Executive Fashion Director Jenna Lyons, was well received, and while you may not be the model height that she is, her rules are inspiring and doable for all of us as she always presents the co-mingling of casual and feminine fashion in a creative way.
Today, I've added a new regular feature at the bottom of the newsletter.  Instead of sharing random items of luxury and luxury for less, I've decided to pull together an entire look including links for each item that brings together a few high priced items as well as a few frugal finds. I'm curious to know what you think of this change, so please email me your thoughts. 
For many of you in the states you may be looking at a three day weekend, but even if you are not, I hope you enjoy the time you hopefully have off to play, as well as relax. And if you're looking for a book to help you begin the year off on the right foot, this week's Weekend Read is one I highly suggest - do check it out. Until next week, I'll see you on the the blog.



Articles from Around the Web You Might Enjoy

*100 Ways To Savor The Moment - Live A Charmed Life


Ideas for a Weekend Wardrobe perhaps, if you have plans for meeting a friend for coffee or brunch.

 Readers' Favorite Post

Rules Of Style - Jenna Lyons
Weekly Themes on the Blog
Monday's Inspiration:
Tuesday's Rooms of Inspiration:


Wednesday's Why Not. . .?:
Thursday's Rules of Style:
Style Inspiration:

Financial Food For Thought: 

Foodie Friday:

Reader Spotlight


How do you define luxury?
Luxury does not always have to mean Porsches, Hermes and Graff diamonds. I prefer simple luxury, such as the ritual of sipping tea from a beautifully hewn porcelain teacup and saucer or buying a block of unsalted French butter and smearing a little onto home baked bread. I think it is about building the best into one's life and eschewing quantity for quality. I would rather save to buy a few beautiful things in a year than spend my days splurging endlessly on ephemeral goods. Luxury to me, means finding something beautiful to appreciate in the most prosaic day.
What luxuries do you enjoy in your every day routine?

It really is the little things that make life worth living. A crisp copy of The Times delivered to my door every day; a brimming cafetiere at breakfast, a pot of Twining's English Breakfast tea with lunch, and indulgences such as white orchids, 95% dark chocolate and Jo Wood's Usiku bath oil.
What luxuries do you hope to enjoy in the future?
The luxury of being loved and feeling secure in the world.

Weekend Reading

Five Stars! Read my review here.
Favorite Photos

Products I Use & Love

Martha Stewart's citrus press - so simple, no need to worry about the seeds. A wonderful addition to my kitchen utensils.

I'm Coveting. . .

Catherine Malandrino - wrap-effect silk-jersey dress $395

Magazine Alert!

Katie Holmes - Elle US - February 2011

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